
Sentinels of the Multiverse: OblivAeon

Created by GreaterThanGames

The end of the Multiverse! Featuring the final SotM expansion, packs of every variant card ever, and the Ultimate Collector's Case!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Ultimate Update of 2018!
over 5 years ago – Tue, Dec 04, 2018 at 09:56:51 PM

Hello all you wonderful humans! Maggie here! Happy December! Since we do monthly updates, this will be the last update this year, but have no fear! You will receive an update in January and hopefully that will be our final update for this campaign!  

With that in mind, let’s get down to business! I want to talk to you about how our replacement parts shipping and reshipping of orders are going.  

As a reminder:  

  • If you have a part that needs replaced or a component missing from your game, and have not filled this form out previously, click here.  
  • If you’re missing your entire order, and have not filled this form out previously, click here.  

Replacement Parts Shipping     

There are officially two categories of replacement/missing parts shipments. The first category are folks with simple replacements. A large portion of these have already been taken care of, but there are around 200 that will be shipped out by this Friday.  

The second category of shipments are requests that we have questions or concerns about. These folks will be receiving emails throughout the next week from either Paul or myself.  

Reshipping of Whole Orders 

There are also two categories of reshipments. The first category is people who have received an email from Jodie, our Shipping Princess, saying that their order will shipped shortly. These are folks who had very straightforward problems with their orders being delivered, and most of these have already shipped or been delivered.  

If you fit into this category and have not received your order yet, it will ship by the end of this week.  

The second category of reshipments is people who we need to speak to further. It means there is something about your order that we have a question or concern about. You will be hearing from us shortly, and we plan to resolve all of these issues by the end of the month.  

Since all of our reshipments and replacement parts should be resolved by the end of December, we are optimistic that the final update for the OblivAeon campaign will Tuesday, January 1st of 2019! We look forward to that bright, shining future!  

Thank you all for a wonderful year!

All's Well That Ends... in OblivAeon!
over 5 years ago – Wed, Nov 07, 2018 at 12:44:58 AM

Hello again, everyone!

I'm back again, and with good news! OblivAeon has shipped to everyone. As far as the GTG warehouse knows, all of OblivAeon and the related mini-expansions, promos, boxes, and more have all been shipped to all of you fantastic backers, as well as those who ordered other places like BackerKit and through our webstore. Hooray! That's thrilling, right? What a journey!

Now, I know that some of you are less than thrilled, like the folks above when they met Voidsoul. You might be thinking, "EXCUSE ME! That is NOT thrilling! I don't have mine yet..." And, if that's what's happening, let me say: I'm VERY sorry. Shipping errors do occur, and there have been a pretty comparable percentage of them on this campaign to other campaigns... but the number of backers here makes that a painfully large number. So, again, I apologize to anyone who still doesn't have their OblivAeon rewards. I'm going to lay out now how we're going to fix that.

First off, if you're in the EU, contact Spiral Galaxy Games, our fulfillment partner there, by e-mailing: [email protected]. Let them know what you're missing, or what damaged stuff you have, and they'll take care of you.

For the rest of you, I've got two options.

First, I have this handy form to fill out if you've not gotten anything yet. Note: this form is only for if your entire order is missing. If you have certain pieces missing or damaged parts, this form is NOT for you. If that's you, fill this form out and we'll ship your games to you!

Second, if you've gotten your order, but you're missing some pieces OR you have damages, use this other form. Note: this form is for individual missing elements, not for entire absent orders. 

Either way, we are already well in the process of sending replacement parts and orders to folks who have already filled out the previously linked form (and if you've already filled out the form we sent out before, we've already either sent you your stuff or are about to do so this week, so no need to fill out either of these forms) and we commit to having all entries on these forms fulfilled by the end of this month! So, if you're missing stuff, worry not - just fill out one of the above forms and we will ship everything to you before December.

Again, apologies for any of you caught in this situation, but at least the end is in sight! And to all of you - whether you have OblivAeon in hand or if it's just on the horizon - thank you again for your support. We could not have made this happen without you, and we're thrilled to have gotten to the end of the Multiverse together.

Now, I mentioned the end of the Multiverse - that's not to say that Sentinel Comics is done. Far from it! Many of you have already heard of Sentinel Comics: the Roleplaying Game, which will be on Kickstarter at the end of January 2019. We'll talk more about that in the next couple months, but know that it's coming soon! Also, the Sentinels of Freedom video game from Underbite Games was successfully Kickstarted earlier this year, and we're very much looking forward to that coming out, hopefully next year! We also have many other ideas and plans for games and more in the world of Sentinel Comics! A great place to learn more about what Adam and I are working on with Sentinel Comics is our podcast: The Letters Page. Whew! So many things.

Also, I mentioned video games: Handelabra is the company behind the very awesome Sentinels of the Multiverse video game, but that's not all! They have also done other great games, like Bottom of the 9th and One Deck Dungeon. Now, they're adding another great game to their ranks with Aeon's End! The campaign just went live yesterday, and they're already more than half way to their funding goal. Go check it out!

Finally, OblivAeon awaits. Keep on saving the Multiverse, heroes.


October Shipping Update (We're almost done!!)
over 5 years ago – Wed, Oct 03, 2018 at 01:32:39 AM

Hey everyone!

Sorry for the late hour of the update today! There is a ton of shipping going on to get everything out. Here's the status of everything, as of today:

  • We have received and unloaded 100% of the OblivAeon cargo containers!
  • The last Australian orders left GTG this afternoon.
  • The last Canadian orders are being packed, and will leave GTG on Thursday.
  • Between Kickstarter, BackerKit, and our web store, we have approximately 700 US parcels left to go out. About half of these are relatively simple orders that will go out by this Friday. The rest are more complicated orders that should all go out next week - we'll post an update next week letting you know the status of those.

In addition, we got a few emails from people letting us know that they have received two OblivAeon shipments. We looked into it, and found a shipping error on our end (basically, we duplicated a portion of our orders across two different tabs in the spreadsheet). This is frustrating and expensive for us as a company, but fortunately it won't impact any of you in any way, except that, if you are one of the few who got a second copy of OblivAeon, you may keep it and find a good home for it - it would be prohibitively expensive to ship it back to GTG.

Finally, if you have received your copy of OblivAeon and have any issues with missing or damaged items, we have a Google form for you! Please fill out this form if you have any of these issues, even if you previously sent us an email - this will ensure that we have all of the information we need from you.

Thanks for your patience with this whole enormous shipping process! We are nearly done!


Down to the final four containers!
over 5 years ago – Fri, Sep 14, 2018 at 10:35:53 PM

Hello, all you wonderful humans!  

We are down to the final four containers of OblivAeon! We have already received the first container and will receive the last three throughout the next 2 weeks. With the end nearly in sight, we'd like to update a few of our stats for you.    

  • 50% of the signed content has been shipped out as of Thursday the 13th 
  • 100% of signed content will be shipped out by end of day today 
  • 90% of Canadian and Australian packages have been shipped 
  • 70% of all of OblivAeon has shipped (Kickstarter orders, Backerkit, and webstore) 

With these new stats in mind, we're thrilled that more than half of OblivAeon has already shipped! We had nearly 10,000 backers and there are still over 1,000 orders that we're working to fulfill. We're getting through them as quickly and efficiently as possible, so we want to assure all of you that we appreciate your patience. Your game is coming soon! 

Thank you all for being awesome!

More Shipping Progress Details
over 5 years ago – Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 01:37:44 AM

As of today, we have shipped out approximately 80% of US orders, 75% of Canadian orders, and 90% of Australian orders. We just got word that the final four containers are scheduled to arrive at our warehouse starting on Monday, at which point we will ship out all of the rest of the orders. We anticipate that process taking about two more weeks once we receive the containers. A few more detailed notes about this process:

1) Signed orders have not yet gone out. However, they will begin going out tomorrow and should all be sent by the end of next week. We apologize for how long this has taken; there are a *ton* of products in each ship out, and we definitely underestimated how long it would take us to sign everything. That is entirely our fault, and we feel very bad about it. We will never offer a "signed" level on a Kickstarter again; it is just too much trouble to be worth it.

2) Canadian orders have gone out, but their labels will not become active in the FedEx Canada system until next week. The way our shipping process to Canada works is that we first freight the parcels to Toronto, at which point the pallets are broken down and the individual labels are scanned. The labels don't become active until that happens in Toronto.

3) Replacement parts for damaged or missing items will be sent out as soon as the main Kickstarter fulfillment process has ended. We anticipate that process taking a month or so on its own. I will post another update when that process begins, and then another when it ends. If you have sent an email about an issue to [email protected], you might not hear a response due to the volume of emails we are going through. However, you will still get your replacements! If you still haven't heard back or gotten stuff after I post the "All Replacements Have Been Sent" email in late September, then definitely email us again and you'll hear back :)

4) For people with address updates, it is too late to change your delivery address. If you emailed us before July 21st, as mentioned in Update #62, and we didn't update your address, that is our error and we will definitely re-ship your items! If you did not update your address before that deadline, we are happy to re-ship your order after main Kickstarter fulfillment has ended, but we will first have to charge you shipping for the new shipment.

5) The fulfillment order of this Kickstarter has been a source of concern for some backers. I tried to explain it as accurately as possible before we started receiving, but I clearly didn't do as good of a job as I could have, so here goes!

The campaign is not being fulfilled in literally, exactly backer number order. This is because attempting to do so would require us to switch the type of order we are packing almost constantly, and would make the ship out take, realistically, around 3 or 4 times as long as it is now taking.

Instead, what we are doing is shipping out groupings of identical orders together all at once. We are doing this as various piles of identical orders arrive in cargo containers from the factory. However, WITHIN each of these piles of identical orders, we are sorting by backer number.

As we go through this process, we are beholden to the order in which the containers show up at our warehouse. This is affected both by the order in which the factory sent out containers (which we had some control over, but which was not done exactly as we intended), as well as the order in which the trucking company delivers the containers from the rail yard to our loading dock.

I hope that helps explain a bit more the order in which we are doing things! The short version is that we are shipping things out in the most efficient way possible, and any time there is a situation where the order of a given group of backers does not affect efficiency, we are sorting by backer number.

The end is in sight for this project! Thank you for bearing with us through this painfully time consuming process!
