
Sentinels of the Multiverse: OblivAeon

Created by GreaterThanGames

The end of the Multiverse! Featuring the final SotM expansion, packs of every variant card ever, and the Ultimate Collector's Case!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Over a week in! Download some things!
about 8 years ago – Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 10:24:23 AM

Happy Wednesday, Sentinels!

The campaign is now officially over a week old, and we're only about $150k from the million dollar stretch goal. ("Only", as if we weren't still blown away by the fact that $150k is not an insurmountable amount of money for this campaign.)  

Today, we have some downloads for you! We've gotten several requests for wallpapers and Kickstarter and other social media avatars. If you're one of the backers waiting for a thing like this, today is your lucky day!

Just a few examples of the desktop backgrounds and avatars we have for you!
Just a few examples of the desktop backgrounds and avatars we have for you!

There are a lot of wallpapers, as we made one for each of the comics revealed by the OblivAeon lead-up ARG, and also the comic that you all unlocked with this Kickstarter, AND the art for the giant canvas art print, featuring all of the heroes and villains amassed before OblivAeon. Like I said, it's a lot. 

So! To make things easier, here is a zip file of all of the OblivAeon wallpapers. 

And here is a link to the newly released ARG comic book covers. Enough wallpapers for even all of The Wraith's monitors!

Similarly, as there have been so many characters unlocked by this campaign, there are a lot of avatars. In this zip file, you'll find avatars featuring Luminary, The Harpy, Void Guard, Completionist Guise, OblivAeon, and more! All appropriate for uploading to Kickstarter, Twitter, Facebook, Steam, the Greater Than Games Forum, or wherever else you use a small square picture to represent yourself!


Our friends at Exploding Rogue Studios just launched a Kickstarter campaign for a book that looks pretty dang great!

Tales of the Skalds is an epic-fantasy Norse-themed book of short stories AND game information for their Fate-based RPG, expanding their Iron Edda: War of Metal and Bone campaign setting.  

The stories and game content are written by the accomplished Tracy Barnett, creator of the Iron Edda campaign setting and author of the tie-in novel Sveidsdottir. All of the art is by the talented Brian Patterson, of Karthun and d20Monkey fame. And wow, does the art look sweet!


Next update will be Friday morning, when we'll talk about some of the nitty-gritty details of Sentinels of the Multiverse: OblivAeon gameplay! That update will be posted before the noon Twitch art stream, so I can field questions there!

See you then, Sentinels!

First update! It's a REALLY long one!
about 8 years ago – Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 04:33:55 PM

Greetings, you Sentinels!

We’re only a few hours into this Kickstarter, and we’re floored. To recap: 
  • Hit the $40k funding amount in EIGHT MINUTES.
  • We passed $100k in the first half hour.
  • We hit $200k around the 2 hour mark.
  • We currently have over 2500 backers, pledging a total of over $328k.
  • What the heck, people.
So, as you might imagine, there’s a lot of excitement here in the Greater Than Games headquarters.
The Kickstarter had this Stretch Goal chart posted on it at launch:

Aww, it goes up to $100k! How quaint. 

So, yeah, you all just DESTROYED all those stretch goals right away. Message received! We will give you all the things, and then make even more things for you! So, then we were going to post this stretch goal chart:

Yeah, no, that’s not going to cut it. You unlocked all of that stuff before I even started writing this post!

Let’s go through all the things you’ve already unlocked, and then we can talk about the new stretch goal chart and more!

First off, we have a couple hero variants!


After Omnitron-X self-destructed to destroy an incarnation of it former self, Unity rebuilt the robot, hoping to revive her fallen robot friend. 

Omnitron-U preserves much of the same memory and personality of Omnitron-X, but it does have some missing information. It is thankful to Unity, though, and is eager to join the fight against OblivAeon.


When OblivAeon first approached Earth, a monitoring satellite caught readings of the cosmic being’s ambient radiation. That satellite was being monitored by the hero known as Parse, and encountering the same code that originally “reprogrammed” her mental pathways sent her into a nigh-catatonic state.

Parse had not been seen for much of the early conflict with OblivAeon, but when she did appear, she was not quite the same person. 

She no longer carried a bow; instead, she threw her arrows with impeccable accuracy at humanly impossible speeds. Fugue State Parse took no time to explain to her fellow heroes, instead taking the fight to OblivAeon, as she knew the true desperation of their situation. 


Besides hero variants, we also have a new hero mini-expansion!


Ansel G. Moreau has always been more than happy to take whatever jobs the highest bidder will offer, all the while looking for the greatest challenge of his illustrious career. After being bested by the heroes several times, he was ready to rid himself of his combat gear and return to his roots with a life of performing stunts in motion pictures. Then, OblivAeon attacked.

Now Stuntman fights alongside the heroes of the Multiverse in order to save all reality from complete destruction. Plus, if they prevail, then Ansel would finally have bested an adequate challenge.


Moving right along, we have another hero variant, but this one is THREE cards!


Sky-Scraper has fought as a hero of earth for some time now. However, with the massive of OblivAeon, she will need even more power to go toe-to-toe with this terrible foe.

Portja went to Dr. Meredith Stinson to enlist her aid in pushing her size-changing powers to their limits. The scientist also known as Tachyon was unwilling to help the Thorathian. “Growing that big or that small is just too dangerous,” the speedster said in between bites of a oversized sandwich. 

However, there was one who would help. Their temporary ally Luminary heard of Sky-Scraper’s plan and knew he was the man for the job. An invention that promised impressive power but was highly risky? Perfect.

With the aide of Luminary, Sky-Scraper is now able to tower as high as her namesake, or shrink so small as to attack a foe’s very cellular structure. Will it be enough? Or will it be her undoing? Either way, she knows the risk is worth it.


At that stretch goal point, we’re also adding 4 foam blocks to the Ultimate Collector’s Case! More on that case in tomorrow’s update all about that fantastic product. 

Who’s ready for an environment?


Deep in the subterranean structure of Fort Adamant lie many secrets. The government had enlisted the team known as the Southwest Sentinels to further expand their super-powered team interactions in dealing with the rising crop of supervillains. However, the base and the Sentinels initiative were cover-ups for their more dangerous projects, such as their experimentation on Choke (who would become Chokepoint as a result) and their investigation of shards of unknown power.

Now, Fort Adamant has become one of the major battle zones of the OblivAeon conflict. Heroes array themselves here, ready to face the cosmic threat, but the base promises neither safety nor aid. What is the intent of those behind Fort Adamant? The conspiracy runs deep, and the Southwest Sentinels have not been heard from since Chokepoints attack on the military installation. Hopefully, they will reappear soon…


Now on to two more hero variant cards!


When Hugh Lowsley - the hero known as Captain Cosmic - was attacked by OblivAeon, he would have been slain instantly if not for the last minute intervention by his brother Nigel, the villainous Infinitor. In a moment of rare clarity, Infinitor could sense the impending assault based on the whispers in his mind. He used his twisted projections and connection with the vast cosmic power to tear a hole through reality, hurtling himself to the location and moment of his brother’s would be demise. Instead, OblivAeon’s blow caught Infinitor full-force, but not before Nigel caught his brothers hand in what would be their final moment.

Now, Captain Cosmic harnesses both his power and his brother’s. The whispers of OblivAeon only serve to fuel his rage. He will quiet the voice of his brother’s killer.


Dark Visionary was far more powerful than her previous incarnation, but The Visionary was tired of not fighting back. With the help of The Argent Adept, Vanessa Long was able to exorcise the dark figure in her mind that had taken over her form for so long.

Now, The Visionary has full command of her abilities. Though her body has been weakened by the dark incursion, her mind is sharper than ever!


Now, for the $100k stretch goal, Adam and I get to do something we’ve wanted to do for a long time. 

We’re making a comic book. Freedom Five Annual #30, specifically. 

We’re putting it in Sentinels of the Multiverse: OblivAeon, as it tells so much of the story of that conflict. It’s going to be amazing. Full color. As many pages as we can make fit. We’re really excited that you all are giving us the opportunity to finally make a comic book for everyone.


Now another environment!


Far from any charted land mass lies an island which defies more laws of reality than it follows.

The Nexus of the Void features every biome known to humankind, as well as many unknown. Dangerous elemental creatures roam the island, attacking anyone they encounter without hesitation. However, many are drawn to the island, as it is the focus of the vast power of the void.


We’re already well into stretch goals that you’ve unlocked that you didn’t even know about! We could go back and rearrange the stretch goals so they start beyond what you’ve already unlocked, but that wouldn’t be fair.

At $150k, we add some awesome tokens and a more complete complexity/difficulty chart to the Ultimate Collector Case, and also add in a very special hero variant for Guise: 

Guise knows how important it is to keep everything pristine. Sleeved cards, bagged and boarded comics, actions figures still in their original packaging - heaven forbid anyone ever actually play with them! 

Completionist Guise has everything, but will he ever share? Not likely. Those are HIS. Get your own. 


In an alternate dimension, there never was a Baron Blade. Instead, young Ivana Ramonat was the hero of her people! 

Luminary was a brilliant inventor who fought against the villainous scourge: Legacy of Destruction. When NightMist became a gate between realities, Luminary was one of the heroes to answer the call and join the fight against OblivAeon!


For the $200k and $300k hero variant cards, I have to first reveal two more of the heroes from OblivAeon. 

The first is The Harpy, who is a reformed version of The Matriarch. More can be read about her here.

The second is Akash’Thriya

Akash’Bhuta goes dormant for decades between attacks on humanity, needing to regrow and regain power after defeat by a Virtuoso of the Void. However, with her planet and all reality at stake, she has reformed with what power she has recovered so far and joins the fight against OblivAeon.


We already introduced the new hero mini-expansion Stuntman. Now, meet the latest offering from RevoCorp: Benchmark. He is the hero against which all other heroes will be measured.

With all of the shady dealings RevoCorp has been involved in, it’s hardly surprising that they have been playing both sides of the field. They were waiting to unveil Benchmark when a carefully calculated villain plot had disabled many of Earth’s heroes, but OblivAeon seemed an even better opportunity! Either, Benchmark would save the day, positioning RevoCorp as both corporation and savior, or everything would be destroyed and it didn’t really matter then, right?


In an alternate reality, Benchmark is the only hero left in a world that needs heroes desperately. Backed by the angel-investor funded RevoCorp, Benchmark does all he can to protect the world.

Benchmark is running up against a classic economic issue of Supply and Demand. So, when a portal opens to a dimension with a threat against all reality, Benchmark must join the fray.


Ansel G. Moreau never let his scars stop his career. He just went on being the best action hero the world had ever seen on the screen. So when all of reality was threatened and he had a chance to fight against that threat, Ansel knew it was time to show off. After all, he did all his own stunts.

Stuntman. Coming to a theater near you soon, provided the Multiverse doesn’t collapse first.


Now back to those two hero variant cards for heroes in the game!


The Harpy is now a full-fledged member of Dark Watch, and studies magic under the careful tutelage of NightMist.

Her powers are an excellent addition to the team, but they all keep their eyes (or in Expatriette's case, her eye) on young Lillian, as her power constantly threatens to get away from her.


After her most recent form was destroyed by OblivAeon, the entity calling itself Akash’Thriya knew she needed more power. She had to try something. Journeying to the Nexus of the Void, she drew power from the rift in reality, giving the void some of her essence in exchange for power.

Now, she rejoins the fight, stronger than before. But if she survives this, she will have to answer to the Void.


AND THAT’S ALL! Whew! You’ve unlocked SO MUCH! 

Now, here is the new stretch goal chart:

It goes all the way up to one million dollars. That's ridiculous, right? Here's why we built it out that far. That is how much stuff we have left that we could possibly make for this story. The rest of the story goes in the Sentinel Comics Roleplaying Game and Sentinel Tactics. If we get all the way to that point, great! We'll tell all that story! If not, it'll go to the RPG. But if we end up with seventy bazillion dollars, we will still stop the stretch goals at the $1M point. That's all there is.

We’ll keep updating this via updates and posts to the main page as you unlock even more!


One more thing before I close out this update with a bit of sharing (we’ll get to that in a second here). 

 There have been more than a few requests for a pledge level that includes previous Sentinels of the Multiverse games. We wanted to avoid a messy giant menu of add-ons, but we understand that some people are just starting in the Multiverse with this Kickstarter. You are absolutely encouraged to buy games from our webstore or your friendly local game store! However, for those of you that want everything at the same time, we offer “The Entire Multiverse”. 

I just created a new pledge level at the bottom of the chart. It’s not cheap, but it is everything, and there are more than a couple solid discounts in there.


Last, I want to end updates for this Kickstarter with a bit of a spotlight on other great Kickstarters. Kickstarter has been fantastic for us, and we want to make sure other Kickstarters also get some of that love. Each Kickstarter I feature in these posts will be a Kickstarter that I personally love. Feel free to skip this part if you’re just here for the Multiverse, but you might be surprised at what you find at the ends of my updates in the next month!

T.C. Petty III is a fantastic game designer, and he currently has two great games on Kickstarter: Don’t Get Eated and Club Zen! Go check them out as part of the T.C. Petty the Third Kickstarter Experience!


Now go out there and SAVE THAT MULTIVERSE!

$750 Stretch Goal: Achieved! Another Pledge Level?!
about 8 years ago – Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 06:25:17 AM

Good morning, Sentinels!

I hope you all had some great Valen-Times! (Or, for those of you in the comments, “Villaintines”.) 

We just hit the seven day mark! The last seven days have greatly surpassed all of our expectations. Seriously, we could not have hoped for such an amazing campaign, and we still have over three full weeks left!

Over the weekend, you all brought this campaign past the $750k mark. As a result, here’s a new Stretch Goal Chart!

Besides the unlocked $750k Stretch Goal, you might be noticing new art for the $500k Stretch Goal! Let’s take a look at that now:

Those hero decks are going to be seriously awesome. Let’s make them even cooler... Time to meet the four new hero variant cards!


Doctor Medico: Malpractice

Of the heroes who make up Void Guard, Dr. Nick Hernandez a.k.a. Doctor Medico, has struggled the most with his Oblivion Shard. He could not have known the ramifications of absorbing such a powerful item into his form, but he accepted whatever fate may come, in exchange for the power to protect his comrades and friends.

Now, like the other members of Void Guard, Doctor Medico is holding back the power of the stone with all his being. However, none of the other shard-bearers have a form of pure energy - Doctor Medico’s body makes a perfect conduit for the power inside. He remains the hero he has always been, but his willingness to cause harm is far greater than before, and his ability to heal those around him has waned. This increase in power allows him to take down greater adversaries than ever before, but at what price?


Mainstay: Road Warrior

After the events of OblivAeon, Jackson Bravo spend some time getting back to his roots. Even with a new bike, and old guitar, and a plan to ride all the way across the country, he couldn’t fully put aside the role of hero. And the burden of being a shard-bearer cannot be lightly discarded.

While traveling on his own, Mainstay encountered many fellow heroes in need of aid, and more than a few nefarious foes hoping to take advantage of the chaotic aftermath. He entered the fray as readily as he left it, charging in on his empowered motorcycle, swinging his Oblivion Shard as if the stone on the end of the chain did not weigh over one-hundred pounds. Once a hero, always a hero.


Super Sentai Idealist

Though they were far before her time, young Miranda Fischer always loved classic “Super Sentai” Japanese television shows. The ridiculous outfits, the terrible dialogue, the giant robots - she genuinely loved it all. So, with a vast upgrade to her power, her teammates knew it would not be long before she developed a new costume for herself…

Her “robot” striker packs a powerful punch, even if it all stems from the power of The Idealist’s mind, focused through the shard she wields. As mentally powerful as she is, her Oblivion Shard directs and amplifies her power to formidable levels, allowing her to manifest even more ridiculous mental projections!


Cosmic Inventor Writhe

Eugene Wilkenson was never a brilliant inventor. Highly capable? Certainly. Imaginative? Without a doubt. But hardly brilliant. His stroke of luck with the shadow-tech invention was initially dampened by the lack of a buyer and later the discovery that it permanently bonded to whatever it was applied to: namely, Eugene Wilkenson. However, the change from The Southwest Sentinels to Void Guard was not merely a change in name.

The bearer of the smallest Oblivion Shard, Writhe wears his shard at the front of his cerebral cortex. The shard does augment his malleable form and shadow-tech, but it also fuels his inventor’s imagination! His creations are stronger than ever, powered by clever design, shadow-tech, and shard power. One might even go so far as to call his gadgets “brilliant”.


Next Stretch Goal at one million dollars! That seems like a pretty ridiculous number, but it’s not all that far off, especially considering how long we have left in this campaign.

Due to quite a lot of demand, we’ve added YET ANOTHER Pledge Level to the campaign. We let Guise name this one, (wait, why did we do that?) and he came up with “Everything Everer!” Because of course he did. 

Guise insisted that pledge level includes everything from “The Entire Multiverse” Pledge Level AND the Canvas Art Print and all three art prints.

Oh, right. He also said we should throw in a copy of Deck Building: The Deck Building Game AND the BBQ Grill promos. I don’t really know why. It’s easier to just do it than to argue with him.


For those of you who do not yet have Sentinels of the Multiverse: The Video Game on Steam, Valve is putting it on “Daily Deal” in about 15 minutes! For the next 48 hours, the core game will be 60% off, and all of the other Sentinels content will be 10% off!

And remember, anyone who owns the video game by the end of this campaign gets an exclusive badge for being part of this Kickstarter! (As detailed in Update #2.)

I don’t know if anyone at Valve is paying attention to this campaign, or if that just happened to occur, but either way - awesome.


Last but not least, I want to talk about another great Kickstarter. Our friend Jason Kotarski is currently running a campaign for a crazy fun dexterity/set collection game designed by Poki Chen called Wok on Fire

You use a spatula to flip ingredient cards to collect vegetables, starches, condiments, and meat! You use those to fulfillrecipes - the player who created the best combinations wins when the ingredient deck runs out!

Here's what Jason has to say about the game:

"At Green Couch Games it's our goal to make great little games that make great big connections and Wok on Fire is our newest title bringing this ideal to life. Games about set collection and food that's almost too cute to eat that plays in about 20 minutes has always been enough to whet my appetite but when I first played Wok on Fire from designer Poki Chen, I saw that there was so much more to enjoy.

Enter dexterity!

In Wok on Fire you experience all the joy mentioned above but with the added twist of using a spatula card to flip a pile of stir-fry cards around before picking the best ingredients to make high scoring combinations, and then chopping new ingredients into the "wok". It's silly, it's fun, and it's making me super hungry. I hope you'll check out our bite-sized game and consider pledging your support!

Added gratuity: Thanks to the Greater Than Games team for being SUPER-rad and always contributing to make this tabletop game space so great.​"

That Jason. What a nice guy! I'll have to remember to mail him a spatula or something later.

So! Go check out Wok on Fire!

And - of course - keep on saving the Multiverse!

Update the third - Questions Answered!
about 8 years ago – Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 11:50:58 AM

Hey there, Sentinels!

Have I told you all how great you are recently? No? Well, you’re all SUPER great. It’s true.

This morning, we hit the 48 hour mark of the Kickstarter. This is what the front page looked like then:

Amazing. And we keep on moving! Thank you all so much for supporting the Multiverse.

Today’s update could have been about heroes or environments, but you speedy folks have unveiled all of the stuff for the core game in such a short time that those tales have already been told! I will expand on them in future updates, but for now, I want to address the questions that we’ve most commonly received from backers.

Will the Ultimate Collector’s Case hold sleeved cards?

Yes, definitely yes. There is going to be extra space in each drawer, and sleeved cards will fit just fine. We answered this in the FAQ on day one and also posted this image yesterday:

See? Space for sleeves!

There have also been some questions about the price of the Ultimate Collector’s Case. With everything that’s going into it and the sturdy construction methods and materials, the lowest the MSRP will possibly be is $59.95. At this point, it’s actually highly likely that it will cost even more than that. However, no matter how much better we make the Ultimate Collector’s Case over the course of this campaign, the Stretch Goals that include it are already getting it at the lowest we can afford to sell it, if not lower!

Will [insert name of promo card here] be in the Complete Hero Collection and/or the 5th Anniversary Foil Hero Collection?

Every hero variant card we have ever printed will be in the Complete Hero Collection. 

Every hero character card we have ever printed will be in the 5th Anniversary Foil Hero Collection. 

Yes, that means all new arts for old character cards and variants. Even variants that aren’t very old at all!

All of the variant cards we unlock as part of this campaign will be sent to you separately from the collections AND inside the collections, with different art in both places! The only promo this is not true for is the Completionist Guise - he is only available in the Ultimate Collector’s Case, the Complete Hero Collection, and the 5th Anniversary Foil Hero Collection. And he will have different art in the Ultimate Collector’s Case than he does in the Hero Collections.

The two printed hero cards that have been asked about the most are the Super-Scientific Tachyon promo and the Kvothe promo for The Argent Adept. Super-Scientific Tachyon will definitely be in the Collections. A version of that Argent Adept card will also be in the collections. It will have the same base power and HP and incapacitated abilities, but it will feature Anthony Drake as The Argent Adept. In fact, this is what that promo card will look like:

Cool, right? Even still, the only way to get Patrick Rothfuss’s Kvothe himself is to support the Worldbuilders Charity! A worthwhile cause, indeed! 

Can I add on a copy of the Sentinels of the Multiverse core game or some other product to my pledge?

Due to the size and volume of this Kickstarter (and we’re only in day three!), we want to make sure the packing and shipping process is as streamlined as possible so we can get you all your rewards on time (if not early). To that end, the pledge levels are available as is. Feel free to order things separately from our web store!

Note: International backers can still combine pledges, as international shipping is still more expensive than we’d like it to be (but as cheap as we can currently offer it).

Will there be a pledge manager at the end of this campaign so I can add stuff or change my pledge after the campaign?

Nope! We’ve never used pledge managers, and we don’t intend to start now. Make sure that your pledge is where you want it to be by March 11th!

How about a Villain Variant Card Collection?

The Oversized Villain Card Pack on our website has every villain character card AND every variant card! Check it out!

Will just the box be signed in the signed tier, or will it be the cards?

We’re not signing cards - you’ve gotta use them to play the game! We’ll be signing the outside of the packaging for each of those items.


Whew! That’s a bunch of stuff!

Now I want to talk about a Kickstarter that I am backing that is for a super cool game. It’s called Fabulous Beasts. Think of it as reverse Jenga with sweet animal shapes that works with your smart-device to determine score and impose challenges.

I got to play Fabulous Beasts at Essen last year, and I actually got a high score! I don’t like to brag, but I’m pretty good at games. The expert coaching from the people showing me the game had nothing to do with it. Right.

You have to stack the oddly shaped creatures and elements, each having different effects or bonuses when they enter the game. 

As you’re stacking them, your tower of creatures might wobble or fall! If they do, you have a very limited amount of time to fix it!

It is a perfect melding of a digital and physical game and can appeal to thinkers of all ages. The amount of different things that can be done with their cleverly created platform means this game will only get better with time. Personally, I’m most excited for the new modes they’re working on, like Versus mode, Streak scoring mode, and a STORY MODE! Ahem. I’m a bit of a sucker for stories in games.

If you want to see a some tense/awesome/hilarious clips of people playing this game, check out their Vine channel. Or just go back their Kickstarter already! 


Next update here will be on Monday, but Adam will be doing his art live stream tomorrow on our Twitch channel at noon, central time! I’ll be there for the first hours answering questions, so if want to watch some awesome art live and ask me pressing questions, that’s a great place for it!
