
Sentinels of the Multiverse: OblivAeon

Created by GreaterThanGames

The end of the Multiverse! Featuring the final SotM expansion, packs of every variant card ever, and the Ultimate Collector's Case!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Christopher reports in on the state of the Multiverse!
over 7 years ago – Tue, Dec 06, 2016 at 11:25:16 PM

Good morning, stalwart heroes!

It’s me! Christopher! I’m here to write an update about a lot of things. Specifically, four big things. Craig has been doing a fantastic job with the updates since the campaign ended, but I have a few topics that I wanted to cover personally. So here we go!

First and foremost, you’re all wonderful. Since the campaign ended this Spring (it feels both very recent and also ages ago!), I have gotten to meet a bunch of you face-to-face at conventions and game stores and such, and it’s always a pleasure. If you see me at a show, come up and say hi! I always love talking about all things Sentinel Comics.

Second, we’re into December now, and January is just around the corner. January 2017 is the date that we originally estimated delivery of OblivAeon and related products would occur. And that was a pretty reasonable estimation, given what we thought we were getting into. Genuinely, we were confident we would fund and that we would maybe even break a couple hundred thousand! And, to be fair, we did… and then some. By a lot. Very quickly. Whew! We’re still reeling over here from that roller-coaster. As you know, we blew past all of our stretch goals on the FIRST DAY (woo!), and came up with even more, even up to the million dollar mark. Which we ended up passing by half again as much. WHEW! Yeah, pretty ridiculous times.

As a result of all of that, we’re making far more things - and a far greater quantity of each of those things - than we’d planned to when we set that delivery date. So, we’re not going to be delivering in January of 2017. I’m still doing playtesting of a lot of content, and we’re making daily progress on everything over here, but it’s going to take at least a couple more months. At this point, I’m not willing to commit to a final date, as that could just set us all up for disappointment, but I can confidently say you’ll be getting your OblivAeon rewards in the first half of 2017.

Third, some of you did not receive your copies of Vengeance, Shattered Timelines, or Wrath of the Cosmos as part of the early shipping wave (for those of you that specifically pledged at “The Entire Multiverse” and “Everything Everer” pledge levels). You should have gotten a note in your shipment indicating that this was because there were WAY more of you than we anticipated and we ran out of stock and that we’d ship you the rest of the stuff alongside OblivAeon. Since we’re pushing back the release of OblivAeon, we’re going to go ahead and bite the bullet on the shipping costs and ship you those missing copies of Vengeance, Shattered Timelines, and Wrath of the Cosmos as soon as they get here, which will be later this month. I just talked to Jodie, our Shipping Princess, and she said the cargo containers of those products will be reaching the coast in the next week. After that, they’ll take a train ride from California to St. Louis, and then a truck will bring them to us! As soon as we get them, we’ll box them up and send them out to you, so you should have them by the end of the year, barring customs delays and/or train derailments (both of which have happened to us in the past).

Fourth, earlier I mentioned playtesting, and I wanted to tell you all about an exciting thing that is happening as a result of said playtesting. The way the OblivAeon scenario works involves shuffling and setting aside five environment decks at the beginning of the game. OblivAeon works towards destroying environments over the course of the game, as he slowly but surely rends the Multiverse apart. If you ever run out of set-aside environments, you lose. Game over. While Adam and I were working on story stuff for OblivAeon and the comic book and looking forward to how that story connected to the Sentinel Comics RPG, we were talking about certain locations that mattered to the story but we haven’t showcased as environment decks in Sentinels of the Multiverse. And there were three of them that really stood out to us. Well, fine!

After very little deliberation, we decided those needed to happen, especially if we were going to be launching behind schedule. Therefore, OblivAeon will come with not just the two environments we announced during the campaign (Fort Adamant and the Nexus of the Void), but also three more environments! You can look forward to fighting villains in the militarized industrial city of Mordengrad (base of operations of a particular villain…), the Maerynian Refuge (the new home on Earth of Tempest’s kinsfolk), and even Champion Studios (the studio lot of a major movie production company, smack dab in the center of sunny San Alonso)! In our update next month, we will have art from each of those decks (as well as other things to show off).

Those three environment decks are being included in the OblivAeon box itself at no additional cost to you, both because they should be there for story reasons, and also as a thank you to all of you for being so understanding of everything we’re working on over here.

I know that’s a lot of stuff to take in - congrats to those of you who made it through this entire post! I’ll be keeping an eye on the comments of this post today, so if you have questions, feel free to ask! I am just as eager to get OblivAeon in my hands as the rest of you (if not more so!), but I have a far greater need for it to be done RIGHT. This is the end of the Multiverse, after all. It’s vitally important that it all be good and correct and fun and excellent, and if the trade off for that is that it’s a few months late, I’m OK with that. It’s not great - I’m not thrilled, but I am confident that we’ve made the correct choice.

As I started with, you’re all wonderful. We couldn’t do this without you, and we don’t want to let you down. Stay strong, heroes, and keep on saving the Multiverse!

-Christopher Badell

The best four hour update you'll ever see!
over 7 years ago – Wed, Nov 09, 2016 at 12:21:09 AM

Hey there, Heroes!

First off, I want to apologize for not having this update ready for you on the first Tuesday of this month like usual. We were working something up that just wasn't quite ready. But it's ready now!

Remember that one time Christopher said he was going to read off a list of every backer who opted in on this project as a way of saying "Thank you"? Well, here is nearly four hours of him doing just that!

 This video almost killed Christopher after four hours of grueling recording, but it’s totally worth rewarding all of you who have been so gracious in your support. And a big thanks to Trevor from Sheepshead Studios for making it look so good! We’re looking forward to showing you even more as we approach release time!

October, OblivAeon, and You
over 7 years ago – Tue, Oct 04, 2016 at 11:31:32 PM


Shipping Stuff 

Shipping for the Everything pledge levels is almost completely done! We working our way through the last few international orders, and those will be out of our warehouse very soon. We really do feel bad that those took so long to do. It turns out that it was a way more complex packaging job than we originally estimated.

We are also happy to announce to our EU backers that it looks like the issue with your packages being held in customs seems to be worked out! I wish I knew what happened there, but if you haven't gotten your items yet, you will be getting them soon.

Just so we're clear, here's exactly what's been shipped. No more. No less.

  • Fifth Anniversary Foil Hero Collection
  • Previously released Sentinels of the Multiverse titles (Enhanced Edition, Rook City/Infernal Relics, etc.)
  • A few exceptions for items that we ended up being lower on in our warehouse, like Shattered Timelines and Wrath of the Cosmos

If you haven't received the Complete Hero Variant Collection or your copy of OblivAeon yet, well, that's to be expected as they have yet to be printed by the factory.

Address Updates

Now that we've gotten what we need from BackerKit for this first wave of shipping, address are unlocked again! If you've moved and need to update your information, you can do that by going to BackerKit and updating it there. We'll, of course, be giving a final warning update in the next few months, in advance of OblivAeon actually shipping in early 2017.

Final Notes

Finally, if you're not aware, Season 2 for Sentinels of the Multiverse: The Video Game is now available for Steam, iOS, and Android. If you're super excited about that, you can help Handelabra Games celebrate their two year anniversary! It's coming up October 14th through 16th. They'd love to have you!

In the mean time, backers, we have our eye on you!


Post Con Season update!
over 7 years ago – Wed, Sep 07, 2016 at 12:56:40 AM

Greetings, Sentinels fans!  

The last month or so has been crazy! We’ve seen a ton of you at Gen Con and PAX West, we’ve shipped out hundreds of games, and we’ve been hearing lots of reports from folks loving the foils.  

I wanted to give everyone a little shipping update. We will be done shipping all of the "Everything" pledges by the end of this week! If you haven’t received yours yet, please give it another week or so before getting too worried. These are big, complicated packages to put together, and they take a little time to both assemble and ship.   

I’ve also had several emails that ask similar questions, so I figured I would just answer them all at once here:

First of all, if you haven’t received your Fifth Anniversary Foil Hero Collection (and you’re not an "Everything" backer) please make sure you’ve actually ordered this item. So far, the most common reason for not getting the Fifth Anniversary Foil Hero Collection is because people didn’t tell us they wanted it.  

Next, for you "Everything" backers, if there’s an item missing from your pledge, we know about it. In the last update, I mentioned that Shattered Timelines was in short supply and it would be coming in a later shipment. Well, it turns out a similar thing happened with a couple other products, including Wrath of the Cosmos. Worry not! We know who you are, and you’ll still be getting everything!   

Finally, we’re slowly but surely working through any support emails you’ve sent to us. When there are thousands of backers on a project, those emails can build up quickly! Hang tight, and we’ll definitely get to you.   

As far as the OblivAeon development goes, things are coming along nicely. We had numerous reports from people at Gen Con who had the chance to demo it and really loved it! And wow, is it tough; you’re in for a real fight!  

Thanks everyone! Have a great Tuesday!

Foil Heroes and Everything Shipping Update!
over 7 years ago – Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 08:21:48 PM

Hey, everyone.

As many of you have noticed, we have been very busy shipping things!

We have shipped out all of the US Fifth Anniversary Foil Hero Collections, and we have shipped out a very large portion of the stuff that is currently available for the Everything Ever and Everer pledges. International shipping is starting very soon, as well.

So, if you got a small box with some foil cards and thought, "Hey, I ordered more than this. Where's OblivAeon?", don't worry! It's not been printed yet! But we wanted to get you what we could as soon as possible. Anything that's being printed for the first time as part of this campaign (except for the Fifth Anniversary Foil Hero Collection) will be shipping in January 2017, like it says on the pledge tiers. That means OblivAeon, the Foil Villain Collection, the Ultimate Collector's Case, and all that other fun stuff. It's coming, just not quite yet.

Now, that doesn't mean everything's gone perfectly. There are always going to be some damaged boxes and cards. There are always going to be some packages that arrive missing a thing or two, or with an extra thing or two. If you have those, feel free to drop us a line at [email protected], and we'll get you sorted out. Our inboxes are still pretty full from being gone to Gen Con, so please be patient. :-) However, there's one thing to be noted specifically. If you're missing Shattered Timelines as part of your Everything pledge, we already know who you are and don't need to send us an email about it. There was a little bit of a mix-up involving some of our stock, and it turned out we were shorter on this than we thought. We'll be sending it out to you, at our expense, as soon as we get it in our warehouse, which will be soon.

Enjoy your cards, everyone!